JUFE & WWU | World Cafe
What is World Cafe? It's a way that 4 or 5 persons forming a group, then just sit face to face and talk or communicate with a topic. This time, in JUFE, we just talk about The Ideal Community.
Round #1
What exactly is community? What are the key ingredients of a good community? How does your community look like? (Who are in it? What relationships do you have?)
Round #2
From a societal perspective, who tend to have stronger communities? Are there any similarities/differences between communities in China and the U.S.? What factors contribute to such differences?
Round #3
How can we build strong communities? What roles should the state, the market, and the individual play in community development? What are some of the challenges in each nation?
Round #4 (Synthesizing Session)
Everyone returns from to their original stations to discuss what they have learned in their “travels”.
Whole Group Discussion